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What is intellectual interaction?

Intellectual interaction can be simply defined as the interaction between individuals where they share information. This includes sharing of information between two or multiple individuals. The word intellectual brings this explanation to a new frontier. Brown (2001:165) defines interaction as the cooperative exchange of ideas, sentiments, or thoughts between two or more people that have a reciprocal impact on one another. Moreover, Rivers According to (1988:3), communication entails more than merely expressing one's opinions. and understanding of others' perspectives. One response (directly or indirectly) after listening to others; others Observe and react. Through this connection, the participants develop meaningful interpretations. Proper communication is the factor that makes humans the dominant species of the plant. We can communicate effectively with one another which enables humans to improve their cognition and this communication enables humans to learn and understand concepts and knowledge of centuries altogether. This effective communication or intellectual interaction makes us smarter and wiser each generation.

It is constantly interpreted and stated that "In physical or experience contexts, comparing to nonverbal indications includes more meaning that goes beyond words". Chaudron (1988:10) states that classroom engagement has been attributed to interactive features of classroom behaviors, such as turn-taking, questioning and answering, negotiation of meaning, and feedback.

Interaction between students, between students and teachers, and various activities can all be found in a classroom. Learning a second language involves a lot of interaction than learning a native language. It is equally crucial for students to interact with one another and with their teachers as well. There is an impact on learning a new language with the use of intellectual interaction in the classroom than learning in a classroom where there is no intellectual interaction. Learning a new language enables the students to expand their capabilities learning English has its benefits for communication with the majority of the world. This centering to a new edge enables the students to keep this practice to learn other languages because this helps them to understand the patterns of learning new languages.

What is the importance of increasing the intellectual interaction among learners in an ESL classroom?

Learning through experience is more effective than just learning from the things we hear and see. Intellectual learning is like an experience for the learners where they talk and discuss with each other and come up with answers and solutions for the problems they encounter when learning. Especially, in an ESL classroom, intellectual interaction among learners is important because they can improve their listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills in the English Language. Learning should be fun and enthusiastic to properly inculcate the necessary knowledge in a person's mind. This knowledge should have an imprint on the mind. The typical way of learning leaves a small imprint because it uses the same method to get all the knowledge. Intellectual interaction breaks the typical cycle of learning and helps the students to have an experience with the knowledge he gains. This has the effect of remembering knowledge because it is linked to a different kind of experience.  Furthermore, the communication between the students in an ESL classroom should be unique to make them understand languages such as English because they are exposed to different types of backgrounds and cultures. After all, learning English exposes them to a new culture.


How can we increase the intellectual interaction among the learners?

In an ESL class, various activities can be carried out, including whole-class instruction, individual work, pair work, and group work to increase the intellectual interaction among the learners. Activities in pairs and groups improve communication. Students can cooperate to solve a problem. or solve a challenge. If the outcome of the negotiation or engagement is some sort of a product, such as a list, a map, a finished diagram, or a chart, then tasks are frequently more motivating. Moreover, Learners have the chance to communicate with their partners throughout the activities. They could also reveal their viewpoints of one another which will add value to new learning. More activities like an interactive quiz (Kahoot) which can be played as groups, and games related to lessons where students intellectually interact with pairs and groups and give the answer, role-play activities where the teacher gives a topic or a character to a group and then the teacher asks the group to present about that particular character in front of the class, etc. Here while the activities are done by the students the teacher can give feedback and suggestions to improve their learning. Activities related to their scope of learning can be carried out in small space increments which enables them to learn step by step. In addition, the students can be given tasks that they are capable of doing including a part which they need to improve themselves. This enables the experience and dedication to carry out the parts they need to learn.


Increasing intellectual interaction among the learners and the teacher is paramount important in an ESL classroom.

All your valuable comments are welcomed 😊!!

By Gayashi Kavindi 


  1. This article is very descriptively and precisely written. Ideas are clear and concise. The writer provides many definitions about intellectual interaction between the teacher and the learner in an ESL classroom. Further she describes the importance and the ways that can increase the intellectual interaction in an ESL classroom. Such that as activities, pair works, group works as well as role play activates and interactive quiz help to enhance good communication and intellectual interaction between both parties. Anyone can get a clear understanding about overall idea about intellectual interaction in an ESL classroom from this article. Thus, all the facts are well organized and well structured. A detailed article with useful content.

  2. This is a well-explained article about the intellectual interaction between ESL learners and teachers. The importance of intellectual interaction, the games the teacher could use in the classroom are clearly described. Her suggestion that the teacher can carry out activities within a small space increments to support the learners' development step by step is interesting as the teacher must help the learner to grow step by step. Good article!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Gayashi, your article is very interesting, and you have defined the core idea of the topic descriptively with Browns and River's definitions. yes, you have depicted the details under three segments, and it makes your article way more organized. but, sometimes I feel that some details are not clearly pointed out. your suggestion of doing pair and group activity in ESL classroom will increase the interaction among the teacher and learner is true. thus, in the later part you have mentioned that selecting the activities that students can manage under their scope is necessary to improve themselves, is totally correct. A great attempt. Good Luck!

  5. Hi Gayashi. Thanks for sharing your ideas. This is an interesting post to read. You have stated that intellectual learning is like sharing experiences. Intellectual interaction may involve sharing experiences through discussion and pair activities. It may help the learners to solve the problems by sharing their experiences. You also mentioned a list of activities that can be done to improve intellectual interaction. Not like other blog authors you have emphasized the value of giving feedback in the process of intellectual interaction. I also think giving feedback may motivate students to engage more with each other in the learning environment.

  6. This is a brief article but it conveys the necessary facts regarding the topic. Specially definitions are very clear and understandable to readers. For example, the simple writer stated that intellectual interaction means the interaction between the individuals where they share information with each other".so this shows how sharply and clearly she conveys her idea. Intellectual interaction is the fact to improve the Four skills in the language. She mentioned thatswhy intellectual interaction is more important. This shows that Writer has the quality to research uncommon facts regarding the topic, it is a positive quality and it creates enthusiasm to read this article because lots of new facts are in this article. Finally, she provides a conclusion to get a brief idea about the article. So this is a well-organized article.

  7. Thanks for the great content Gayashi! The article is very well organized and it makes the reader to continue with the reading. You have defined the 'intellectual learning' in the simplest way possible. It made it easier for me to memorize about intellectual learning. I agree with your fact that intellectual interaction is very much important when learning a new language, which is very true. We all felt very much hostile when we first started learning English. Because at the very beginning, the language was very new to us to the extend where we felt scared at first. But it has been decreased by the time and we were able to familiarize with the language. One of the main causes for that is the positive intellectual interaction among the peers as well as with the teacher. This made me think of myself a lot.

  8. Thank you for sharing this valuable information Gayashi. This article has been divided into several parts for the convenience of the reader. She has used several strategies which can be implemented to increase the teacher-student interaction. She has used the importance of effective communication by using the words of Rivers mentioned in 1988. It is important to say that she has indicated some new activities that help to increase the classroom interaction.
    Helpful Content!!

  9. This is a well written article about the intellectual interaction between ESL learners and teachers. The author gives numerous explanations of the intellectual engagement that takes place in an ESL classroom between the teacher and the students and had discussed the value of and strategies for enhancing intellectual connection in ESL classes. In addition, you highlighted how important providing feedback is to the process of intellectual connection. Giving feedback, in my opinion, will encourage students to interact with one another more in the classroom. As per my observations all the facts are well organized and well structured. Good article!

  10. The well-organized article opens by defining intellectual interaction as the interaction between individuals to share information. Many quotes from scholars have been presented to highlight that language is a social process where information is shared reciprocally. The article gives prominence to comprehensiveness in interaction during communication. It is a positive fact that the article mentions the strategies of cognitive development in the classroom, such as turn taking, questioning and answering, negotiation of meaning and feedback. Classroom mechanisms are also exemplified descriptively. A descriptive article...


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