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How to implement teacher-student interaction in an ESL classroom


What is meant by an intellectual interaction in a classroom?

Interaction between teachers and students which is needed to do classroom activities to go toward a common goal can be considered an intellectual interaction. Thus, having a teacher-student interaction, the gap between teacher and student in the classroom will disappear.

Why interaction between teachers and students is important?

Teachers having a positive interaction with their students create a classroom environment more helpful and productive for the teaching and learning process. It helps to meet students’ developmental, emotional and educational needs. Positive teacher-student interaction has a very crucial role for effective teaching and learning to take place (Arthur, Gordon, and Butterfield, 2003). The teacher-student interaction depends on the effort of both to initiate it as a positive interaction. Thus, teacher-student interaction highly influences the skills of a student. On the other hand, it has an impact on classroom management and affects learning and growth. According to the development perspective, the establishment of a positive teacher-student relationship aids a student’s cognitive, social and emotional growth and enhances their mental well-being (Brazelton and Greenspan, 2000). The teacher-student relationships create a productive impact on students’ self-esteem and enhance their skills and it helps students to increase their enthusiasm. As a whole, teacher-student interaction shows unique effects on the learning and development of the students allowing them to go for greater achievements.

Here are some strategies that are helpful to increase the teacher-student interaction in an ESL classroom.

  • Classroom Management

Effective classroom management is important to create a positive impact on the teaching and learning process. Without proper classroom management, a negative learning environment can emerge where students are demotivated and distracted. Good classroom management creates more benefits throughout the whole teaching and learning procedure. Successful classroom management requires planning and preparation to improve the progress of the students since they need to fulfill their expectations in the middle with minimal interruptions. The physical setup of the classroom will have a significant impact on students. It should be arranged to allow students to easily access the learning materials without causing too much disruption. When designing a classroom for ESL students, it is important to select relevant activities to meet a set of clearly defined learning outcomes. Another key element of classroom management is monitoring. In an ESL classroom, monitoring allows the teacher to assess the progress of language acquisition of individuals. So, proper classroom management helps teachers and students to meet their ultimate goals in the process of teaching and learning.

  • Maximizing Students’ Talk Time

High Students’ Talk Time allows students to lead the conversation to improve academic and social achievements for all learners. In ESL classrooms, it is not enough for students to be passive participants, their active involvement requires them to practice the target language. When learning English as a target language, the students have to receive as many opportunities to speak as possible. Students that do not live in an English-speaking country have to acquire their target language only by practicing it as a conversational tool during the lesson. So the teacher has a responsibility to give them opportunities while reducing Teacher Talk Time.

  • Teacher Talk

TT is a language used by the teachers while addressing L2 learners (Ellis, 1989, Ur, 2000). TT can be considered a tool that is used to organize a class for language teaching. On the other hand, it always helps with language acquisition. TT provides comprehensible teaching and learning input to learners when they acquire a language. In an ESL classroom, TT plays an important role in organizing activities. Thus, the utility of the class depends on the effectiveness of TT. Concerning ESL classroom interaction teacher plays a crucial role while facilitating students to perform well in the acquisition of language, promoting learning among them, and initiating class interaction leading to communication.

In summarizing, teacher-student interaction is important in English teaching to implement the effectiveness of the learning and teaching process.  

Did you find some new strategies to implement the Teacher-student interaction in an ESL classroom?

Let us know in the comments.


  1. At the beginning of the nicely organized article the writer defines intellectual interaction between teachers and learners to achieve a common goal. Although learner-learner interaction is not directly mentioned, developing learner personality through interaction is emphasized in the article. Student-talk-time and Teacher-talk-time are mentioned as important components of classroom interaction. Interaction is given priority even though intellectual interaction is not much highlighted. It can be seen that the writer has given prominence to physical classroom management as a step to minimize disturbances for classroom interaction. However the article convinces the advantages and requirement of teacher's involvement to enhance interaction in the ESL classroom. A very clear and readable article...

  2. The writer has started the article in a very clear manner and it could help any sort of a reader to understand about the content of the article easily. In the article, it is highlighted that the teacher-learner interaction plays a crucial role in effective teaching-learning process, which is very true. Even though, the implementation of intellectual interaction is not directly mentioned the writer has been able to highlight about the ways in which the teaching process can be utlized to increase the learners' interaction. Overall, very descriptive yet very much readable article.

  3. For someone who needs to read a more apprehensible article on teacher-learner intellectual interaction in an ESL classroom with the theories, then the author has done a good job. The author provides a theoretical introduction to intellectual interaction along with three strategies to improve the interaction. The author speaks about classroom management, teacher talk, and maximizing the student's talk time as the strategies, and she specifically gives a clear idea of what teacher talk is and how that can improve the interaction with the learner. The author could have specifically mentioned some of the activities that will improve the teacher-learner interaction, but overall this is a very reader-friendly article. 

  4. Hey Ishini. It is wonderful to have your post in this teaching-learning space blog and appreciate sharing your views. You have clearly described the strategies. In additionally, I would like to add some details like seating methods like roundtable, horseshoe, group pods, or pair pods. A teacher can easily manage a classroom with those seating methods. I too agree with your opinion on student talk time. When English as second language users use English as a conversational tool, student talk time is a must rather than teacher talk time. Teacher talk time is vital when describing interactivity activity. I would like to add some strategies like pair works and debates which create an interactive environment.

  5. Hello Ishini, everyone can see you article with a clear mind because you have segmented your content separately in well- organized manner. you have combined theoretical aspects under the topic. An interesting fact that you have pointed out here is, " student talk time". yes, I do believe that if students learn a new language, they should have opportunities to practice the language in verbal way, I meant speaking. understanding the grammar is not enough, students should practice them lively in real life conversations. nicely presented the collected data and this a great effort.

  6. Good job Ishini! This is a very formative and well-structured article. She explains the interaction between the teacher and the students, the gap between the teacher and the students will disappear in the class. This is a very significant fact because the results of the learning process show what kind of interaction these both parties have. Furthermore, this article shows that positive interaction always motivates the students in their learning process. specially she mentions the opportunities that teacher makes for the students. When the teacher gives space to give to present their attitudes in the ESL classroom, it is a very crucial thing. Because it increases the students and teacher interaction. Teacher talks time is also equally important as student talk time. so this interaction leads to communication. At the end of the article, she added a summary part also. So this is a very interesting article

  7. This article briefly describes what is intellectual interaction and some strategies that can be used in an ESL classroom. Significantly the author has mentioned the positive and negative effects of having and not having intellectual interaction in an ESL classroom. She has mentioned few popular strategies that enhance effective interactive relationship among learners. It is true fact that, to have productive learning outcome, teacher has to play a crucial role in facilitating the students. The facts are precise and direct. Overall, I think this a good article which the reader can understand the content very easily.

  8. Hi Ishini! This article on the discussions that take place in an ESL classroom is well written. This demonstrates the strategies and tactics that can be applied by all parties to enhance their intellectual exchanges. This is a great description of the key role that the teacher plays in creating an intellectually stimulating classroom. This demonstrates how students can develop themselves by improving themselves. It is obvious from this article's mention of these techniques that intellectual contact can be developed in a variety of ways. The advantages and requirements of enhancing intellectual contact in an ESL classroom are properly explained in this essay.

  9. The author has approached theoretically to describe intellectual interaction between the teacher and student in an ESL classroom. She has provided a descriptive explanations about student talk and teacher talk time while showing that the teacher should minimize the time he or she talks in a classroom. I think that this factor is valid for other subjects as well. Furthermore, this article shows that the teacher should motivate students to improve their skills through intellectual interactions. Great article.


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